Warrant Call ams AG The product related information contained herein is exclusively for information purposes only, intended for current investors or in case these products are displayed further to an individual search. The information does not constitute a recommendation or an offer to buy or an invitation to make a respective offer in relation to any of the products described herein.
Change-- Bid- Ask- Last update-
Underlying price-- StrikeEUR 8.50 Cap- Leverage-
Call ams AG
AT0000A375J9 / RC1A3E
ams AG
Capital protection amount
Participation factor
Coupon p.a. in %
Underlying price
Starting value
EUR 5.72
EUR 8.50
Denomination / nominal
1 unit
About the term
Initial valuation date
Sep 25, 2023
Issue date
Sep 26, 2023
Final valuation date
Mar 21, 2025
Maturity date
Mar 26, 2025
Product classification
Leverage Product without Knock-Out
Security type (eusipa Nr.)
Warrant (2100)
Warrant Type
Call without Cap
ams AG
Country / region of underlying
Suited market expectation
Issue price
0.10 EUR
Spread homogenised
Spread in %
Underlying currency
Settlement method
Cash settlement
Tax treatment
Capital Gains Tax / No EU Withholding Tax
Public offer in
Austria, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Slovenia
Agio in %
Agio p.a. in %
Intrinsic Value
Time value
Break even
Historic volatility 30 days
Historic volatility 250 days
Created with Highcharts 6.0.2CALL AMS AG
Product info

Call warrants enable investors to participate with a leverage effect in rising underlying prices. Warrants provide for above average profit opportunities but bear as well an increased risk to incur a total loss.

Please note: In addition to the performance of the underlying asset, the fluctuation range (volatility) of the underlying asset also has a significant influence on the pricing of the warrant. The leverage effect of a warrant means that fluctuations in the value of the underlying have a disproportionate impact on the value of the warrant. Even small price fluctuations against the investor's market opinion can lead to the loss of a substantial part of the capital invested, up to a total loss. Investors are also exposed to the exchange rate risk if the currency of the underlying does not equal the currency of the warrants.

Thus is particularly important that the investor continuously observes the position.

Issuer risk / creditor participation: Certificates are not covered by the deposit protection system. There is a risk that Raiffeisen Bank International AG may not be able to meet its payment obligations due to insolvency (issuer risk) or any official orders ("bail-in"). In such cases, the invested capital may be lost in full.

For further information on this product category, please refer to our brochure on warrants.