Capital Protection Certificate Inflation Capital Protected Certificate The product related information contained herein is exclusively for information purposes only, intended for current investors or in case these products are displayed further to an individual search. The information does not constitute a recommendation or an offer to buy or an invitation to make a respective offer in relation to any of the products described herein.
ISINAT0000A3K2N8 WKNRC1HMN UnderlyingHICP (2015=100) monthly data - Overall index excl. tobacco EA Type of productInflation Bond
Maturity dateApr 03, 2029 Subscription toMar 27, 2025 Public offerAustria, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Liechtenstein, Romania, Slovenia

Capital Protection Certificates enable investors to invest into an underlying such as shares, indices, commodities etc. and to be capital protected at the end of the term. Investors obtain either interest payments or participate in the performance of the underlying.