Personnel at the end of the year
Staff turnover in EUR
Turnover Label
The stock: denominated in EURO
Shares outstanding (in millions)
Dividend per share
Undiluted earnings per share
Boss v Mio. EURO nach IAS / IFRS
Operating income (EBIT)
Profit before tax (EBT)
Annual net profit/ loss
Balance sheet in millions of Euro IAS / IFRS
Total current assets
Total fixed assets
Total assets
Total short-term liabilities
Total long-term liabilities
Total provisions
Equity capital
Total liabilities
Bertram Scott
Cheryl Grisé
Daniel Heinrich
Diane Randolph
Edward Kelly
Jeffrey Naylor
Mary Laschinger
Paul Hilal
Stephanie Stahl
Winifred Park
Rick Dreiling
Aditya Maheshwari
Bobby Aflatooni
Emily Turner
Jeff Davis
Jenn Hulett
Jennifer Silberman
Jonathan Leiken
Kristin Tetreault
Larry Gatta
Mike Creedon
Mike Kindy
Neil A. Curran
Pedro Voyer
Richard L. McNeely
Terry Goods
Shareholding in %:
BlackRock Fund Advisors 4.57
Capital Research & Management Co. (International Investors) 4.58
Capital Research & Management Co. (World Investors) 6.88
Edgepoint Investment Group, Inc. 3.46
Geode Capital Management LLC 2.26
Mantle Ridge LP 5.63
Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. (Private Banking) 5.05
SSgA Funds Management, Inc. 4.13
T. Rowe Price Investment Management, Inc. 2.48
The Vanguard Group, Inc. 10.55
Freefloat 50.42
Address: 500 Volvo Parkway, 23320 Chesapeake
T: +1-757-321-5000
F: +