Personnel at the end of the year
Staff turnover in EUR
Turnover Label
The stock: denominated in EURO
Shares outstanding (in millions)
Dividend per share
Undiluted earnings per share
Boss v Mio. EURO nach IAS / IFRS
Operating income (EBIT)
Profit before tax (EBT)
Annual net profit/ loss
Balance sheet in millions of Euro IAS / IFRS
Total current assets
Total fixed assets
Total assets
Total short-term liabilities
Total long-term liabilities
Total provisions
Equity capital
Total liabilities
Catherine MacGregor
Biljana Kaitovic
Claire Waysand
Cécile Prévieu
Frank Lacroix
Jean-Sébastien Blanc
Paulo Almirante
Pierre-Francois Riolacci
Sébastien Arbola
Thierry Saegeman
Jean-Pierre Clamadieu
Celine Fornaro
Christophe Agogué
Fabrice Brégier
Jacinthe Delage
Lucie Muniesa
Magali Viot
Marie-Claire Simone Daveu
Marie-José Nadeau
Michel Giannuzzi
Patrice Durand
Ross McInnes
Yoan Kosnar
Shareholding in %:
BlackRock Fund Advisors 1.54
Caisse Des Dépôts & Consignations (Investment Management) 3.63
Capital International Ltd. 1.83
Capital Research & Management Co. (Global Investors) 1.26
Capital Research & Management Co. (World Investors) 6.37
Frankreich 23.64
MFS International Singapore Pte Ltd. 0.85
Norges Bank Investment Management 1.92
UBS Asset Management (UK) Ltd. 1.03
Wellington Management Co. LLP 1.19
Freefloat 56.75
Address: 1, Place Samuel de Champlain, Courbevoie, 92400 Paris
T: +33-1-44-22-00-00
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