Personnel at the end of the year
Staff turnover in EUR
Turnover Label
The stock: denominated in EURO
Shares outstanding (in millions)
Dividend per share
Undiluted earnings per share
Boss v Mio. EURO nach IAS / IFRS
Operating income (EBIT)
Profit before tax (EBT)
Annual net profit/ loss
Balance sheet in millions of Euro IAS / IFRS
Total current assets
Total fixed assets
Total assets
Total short-term liabilities
Total long-term liabilities
Total provisions
Equity capital
Total liabilities
Patrick Pouyanné
Bernard Pinatel
Helle Kristoffersen
Jean-Pierre Sbraire
Namita Shah
Nicolas Terraz
Stéphane Michel
Thierry Pflimlin
Anelise Lara
Dierk Paskert
Robert Hubbard
Angel Pobo
Emma de Jonge
Jacques Aschenbroich
Jean Lemierre
Lise Croteau
Maria J. Arnoldina van der Hoeven
Marie-Ange Debon
Marie-Christine Coisne-Roquette
Mark Cutifani
Romain Garcia-Ivaldi
Shareholding in %:
Amundi Asset Management SA (Investment Management) 1.73
BlackRock Advisors (UK) Ltd. 1.06
BlackRock Fund Advisors 1.78
Capital International Ltd. 1.06
Capital Research & Management Co. (World Investors) 1.46
GQG Partners LLC 1.7
Norges Bank Investment Management 2.46
The Vanguard Group, Inc. 3.12
Total SA Employee Stock Ownership Plans 4.88
TotalEnergies SE 5.72
Freefloat 75.02
Address: 2, place Jean Millier, Tour Coupole, 92400 Courbevoie
T: +33-1-47-44-45-46
F: +33-1-47-44-49-44